Nikolaj Hagen
Nikolaj Hagen
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Osakis, Minn.
  • High School:
  • Major:
    Political Science & Scandanavian Studies


Personal: Hobbies include Warcraft III, Skyrim, Medievil Total War II...son of Dan and Dorte

Why Concordia? The Norwegian program

Post graduation plans: Foreign service

The HAGEN File
Favorite food: Potatoes
Favorite restaurant: Great Hunan
Favorite movie: INglorious Bastards, Djiango, Tangled
Favorite tv show: The Colbert Report, Arrested Development
Favorite musical group: The cast of Les Mis
Favorite book: Song of Fire and Ice series
Favorite holiday: Martin Luther King Jr Day
The place in the world I most want to see: Rodekro, Denmark
If I were to play another sport it would be: Wrestling
Favorite pro sports team: Vikings
The major sporting event I most want to go to: World Cup finals
My dream job is: Pokemon trainer
My bucket list includes: Punching a wolverine in the face
A non-athletic talent I have: Telling one of the three jokes I know
My favorite thing about the Concordia men's track and field team is: The people involved